Sunday, October 5, 2008

It Sure Sucks Well

Drew and I were informed by his parents that we had a couple of shower gifts waiting for us at their house. His mom said that we had a HUGE box waiting for us. Drew was convinced that it was our china. I was skeptical. Upon arrival to their house, we had our new present waiting for us.It's a Hoover Wind Tunnel+ Cyclonic. I have never seen Drew so excited! He bounced around like a little kid. No sooner had we brought the box into the house was he tearing into it and assembling the vacuum. He then started to vacuum our apartment. Keep in mind that he had just vacuumed on Friday since my mom and Darrell came over. So, off he goes, vacuuming our entire apartment. He was so amazed at the amount of crap that he got off the floor. Obviously the vacuum that we previously had just didn't have the sucking power that this new one has.

I had a productive wedding day. I put the finishing touches on two of the girls' gift bags, which I had been putting off for awhile. I made the coloring book for the little kiddies at the reception. Brad, our photographer, called and we had a consultation with him. (He lives in Ohio. He's Drew's cousin. We haven't met and that makes me a little nervous. However, I have full faith that he'll do a great job; I've already emphasized how important photography is to me.) We set up times for everybody and worked out a great timeline!

Then, Drew decided that he wanted to vacuum AGAIN!!! He vacuumed all the floors again, the couches again, the walls, the ceiling, the fans. Everything that he could get to with the vacuum, he vacuumed. Then, I think he was a little sad that he didn't have anything left to vacuum, so he took the vacuum upstairs and vacuumed our neighbors entire apartment!! Seriously!!! Our neighbors... ya, they laughed!

Our DJ, Kevin, also called tonight, so we got everything set for the music for the reception. I'm a pretty happy camper right now with the amount of wedding stuff that we/I accomplished today!

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