Today has been a day filled with baby snuggles. I just can't get over how cute little Wes is. He already has so much personality.

We went to Cagle's Farm this evening to go through the corn maze.

Corn cop. To make sure that there was no hanky panky going on in the corn, of course.

Please excuse my face. This is my "my feet are so damn cold" look. Too bad nobody warned me that I should actually wear shoes because it gets kinda chilly in Georgia at night. I blame the locals!

And don't mind Drew next to me wearing shorts and a tshirt. He must be crazy!
After the corn maze, we picked up dinner at a place called Shane's Rib Shack. Seriously, such good barbeque. I spent the entire time I was eating my dinner going, "Mmmm, this is so good".
We've all just been lazying around enjoying each other's company tonight. I love spending time with family!
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