Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Home, Sweet Home!

Drew and I arrived back home yesterday about 8:30 PM. I don't think that we have ever been so happy to walk through our front door.

And I don't think Simon has ever been so happy to see us. I have missed my little baby so much. He has been so lovey lately. Especially this morning when we woke up. He's normally quite affectionate in the morning, but this morning was particularly excessive.

Drew and I had a busy day today. We woke up and made some breakfast. I can't tell you how good it was to eat some normal, good tasting food. We got ready and made a list of things that we wanted to do today.

Our first stop was to go vote. Somehow, my voter's card found me, at our new address, but Drew was still registered under his parent's address. So, we had to vote in two different places. I voted first, then Drew did.

After voting, we went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I have been looking forward to this day since we registered. I have wanted (and we've needed) new silverware for a while. We made a beeline to the silverware, purchased it, and my day was complete!!!

However, we had a TON of gift cards to Target, so we ran there next. We quickly filled our cart with things that we both wanted and needed and left that store in quite the excited mood.

Drew and I then came home and began unboxing and putting away all of our new stuff. Now, we live in an apartment and this apartment doesn't have the biggest kitchen. Ya, all these new toys really make me want a house with a huge kitchen!!

We only got about halfway done and we'll probably finish the rest tomorrow. We want to go to IKEA and will either do that tomorrow or Thursday. My vote is for tomorrow, but Drew seems to want to go Thursday. I'll let you know how that goes.

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