Thursday, December 30, 2010
2010 In Review
* Drew and I went on a double date night with Matt and Sheena
* I turned 25 and Drew and I did something for the first time as a couple
* We got a new bed. Woot!
* Drew turned 30!
* I had my first acupuncture appointment.
* Our "tenants" moved out.
* Drew got a new job.
* We started car shopping.
* I thought we were making progress with the acupuncture.
* I got a new toy.
* My cousin became a Dr.
* I went to the 2nd concert I've ever been to, with my sister.
* I co-hosted a baby shower for Jessica and made a super cute wreath.
* We got a new car!
* Angela had her bridal shower.
* I had my first appointment with the RE.
* Angela's bachelorette party. Oy vey!
* Angela and Cody's wedding.
* The RE's office went and screwed everything up, so I had to miss a cycle. Stupid!
* Drew and I went and picked apples.
* I started the journey to getting braces. (I still haven't made it any further. Lay off! I'm scared of getting my teeth pulled!!)
* I blogged about getting fired.
* Drew and I went on vacation to Florida and Georgia.
* We celebrated two years of marriage.
* I finally made some progress at the RE and had an IUI.
* We hosted Thanksgiving.
* We cut down a real Christmas tree!
* I made a super cute holiday card hang up and was featured.
* The IUI didn't work :(.
* Christmas celebrations.
It's been such a busy year with lots of excitement and changes. I hope that 2011 is even better for us. Bring it on!!!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas 2010
Another Christmas has come and gone. I can't believe that we're already at the end of another year. We celebrated Christmas with Drew's side of the family on Thursday. Here's a cute video of little Wes laughing.
After he had gotten dressed, and was fed, Jessica wanted to take some generation pictures.Wednesday, December 22, 2010
I'm Being Featured!
Cassity has a fantastic blog that features a lot of super neat craft ideas. Be sure to head over there and check out her blog. You won't regret it!!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
AYKM: Just Hit It With a Hammer
I called Drew to let him know that the furnace was obviously not working because the thermostat read that it was 61 in here when I had it set at 68. Brrrrr!!!! He came home for dinner and started working on it. After talking to some people, including his dad, they decided that a certain part needed to be replaced. Luckily, Drew's dad had one. He came over. Bad news. The part didn't work.
Drew and Mark worked on the furnace for about an hour and a half, where Drew got progressively more and more frustrated. They came upstairs and decided that they couldn't figure it out so we would need to call a repairman.
The repairman called Drew back and started to walk him through the furnace. I guess that the guy didn't have the part that was broken and told Drew about something that needed to be reset. I don't know what happened with that, but the next thing I hear is a bunch of banging. I guess the guy said to "bang the shit" out of a certain part. Low and behold, the furnace started working!
Our house is slowly warming up again. I'm pretty thankful that it seems to be working for now because the repairman was "nice" enough to inform us of his fee to come out. $60 just to come out and then $23 for every 15 minutes he's here. That's one hell of an hourly wage!
Friday, December 17, 2010
How To Not Put Your Foot In Your Mouth
I was talking to a close friend of mine, and we were airing a couple of grievances that we had. I told her that I was really upset because it doesn't seem like she cares about me or my treatments because she never asks about them. I mean, I have people that I'm not nearly as close to who ask more frequently. And it's not like what I'm going through is a secret. She paused for a minute. She then told me that she was really sorry, but she didn't always know what to say. Now, let me just tell you, this girl can talk and is hardly at a loss for words. I never suspected that she wouldn't know what to say. But it makes sense now.
Unless you've had the unfortunate experience of infertility, a person can't possibly understand what is involved. And I'm sure it's difficult to try to say something when you have no knowledge of the subject. That would be like me trying to talk about aircraft maintenance. Ain't going to happen!
But, you're in luck! I'm here to save you from yourself. It is so easy to say something that you think that help and be supportive, but it really does just suck. Point blank, it sucks
- "My friend's brother's wife's cousin's sister saw this doctor and she got pregnant right away." - Thank you. I would just love to go to another doctor to run more tests that may or may not have already been done. Not to mention the time that it will take to get in for an appointment at that new doctor.
- "You should take a vacation!" - Is there a Fertility Island that I don't know about?
- "It'll happen if you just relax" - Been there, done that. I even did the acupuncture to try and relax.
- "Maybe you should think about adoption." - I, in no way, look down on adoption. And adoption may very well be a path that we have to pursue. However, I do NOT want it suggested to me before I am ready to consider it. Adoption is not an "easy fix" to infertility. It takes a long time and a lot of money to adopt a child. We're talking two or more years and tens of thousands of dollars. You are not even guaranteed a child at the end. There is nothing to say that the birth mother won't change her mind.
- "You do know how to have sex, right?" - Wait! You mean that I can't get pregnant by swallowing?!? Well, damn. My husband won't be happy about that one.
And there are about a gabillion more, but I'll spare you. Do you want to know what TO say to somebody who is struggling with infertility. "I'm sorry that you have to go through this." "I'm hear to listen anytime you need to talk/cry/vent/yell/whatever."
There are a couple of infertility blogs that I read that really help to make me laugh through the tears.
Busted Plumbing - Kate just welcomed a beautiful baby boy into this world. She had a very difficult infertility journey and her humor is wonderful!
999 Reasons to Laugh at Infertility - This blog makes me laugh with practically every post!
There are many, many more, but these are two that I follow right now. I really hope that this has helped when it comes to talking to someone who struggles with infertility.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Our Christmas Card 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010
I went in Tuesday for a blood draw and received the call that afternoon. I honestly didn't have too high of hopes because I had already tested with an at home pregnancy test and it came up negative.
I'm numb.
I remember feeling so confident two weeks ago that this was going to work. I remember thinking that we would be able to make an announcement at Christmas that we were going to be parents. I remember feeling hopeful.
Now, I just feel pain.
It is so hard to keep trying for something month after month and keeping seeing that stupid no. It is so hard to want and desire something so badly that you can't obtain. There are two friends on Facebook who have very recently had babies, and while I am so overjoyed for them because they have had a long struggle, it's so difficult to see the pictures. I want that joy that they are feeling.
I have to take a break this cycle because the doctor's office doesn't do any treatments in December. That means at least two more times of getting miserably sick. I hate this.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
AYKM: Don't You Wish Your Neighbor Was Cool Like Mine?
Drew and I discovered this house yesterday when we went to rent some movies. After watching for a few minutes, I knew we had to grab the camera and record the show.
I don't know who the owner of this house is, or how he did this, or exactly the reason why. But I do know that this is cool!!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Holiday Card Hang Up
First, I went to Michael's and got 4 different sheets of scrapbook paper. It's important to select a paper that has a small design because the paper is going to be cut into small strips.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Just Call Me a Pharmacy
For anybody who is reading this that is going through the same thing, I am taking Estradiol and Prometrium. And the vaginal suppository. Can't forget about that, now can we?
I know that there are worse things in life. And Sheena made me well aware of that when she pointed out that it could be an anal suppository. Thanks for seeing the glass half full Sheena!! But folks, I'm seriously going to be so pissed off if I'm not pregnant.