Monday, August 11, 2008

At Least it Happened Today...

Drew sliced the tip of his little finger off at work today! Apparently, it goes from about half way down his nail to the tip. Luckily, the nurse at the clinic, was able to sew it back on. She warned him though, that if it became infected, they might have to amputate it. I think she called it an open laceration fracture. While she was sewing his finger back on, she pushed some of the tissue aside and tapped on Drew's bone for him. Gross!!!
My poor baby!! But the best part of it all, when I talked to him on the phone about it, he told me that at least it wasn't his left hand. I was slightly puzzled and he goes on to tell me that we take ring pictures the day of the wedding. What a guy to try and reassure me like that. I love him!!

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