Monday, August 10, 2009

A Walk Through the Bible

One of the goals on my 101 in 1001 list is to read the Bible. Today, I've decided to dive into that goal. But you didn't honestly think that I'd be able to just read the Bible cover to cover did you? Neither did I.

This is the Bible that I'm reading because, frankly, it's the only Bible I own. Good reason, right? At the beginning, there are different reading plans. The second reading plan is A Walk Through the Bible. "In four weeks, you can visit some of the highlights of the Bible in chronological order." Sounds like a winner to me.

So, I dove right in. Today had me reading Genesis chapters 1 and 2 which was about Creation.

I feel that, with everything that has been going on lately in my life, I need to grow closer to God. I pray; I ask The Lord for blessings and praise Him when we are blessed, but I need to strengthen my relationship with him. I miss going to church. I used to go every Sunday. But that stopped because I was dating a guy who didn't put religion as a priority and I, stupidly, put my faith aside in order to be with him. Oh.... dumb, dumb, dumb!!!

I told Drew that I want us to start finding a church that we can go to. It won't be long before we start to talk about kids and I want our kids to grow up in a church. I want to belong to a church and feel a part of that community. I also told him that after we find that church, that I want to then join a bible study.

Do you want to know what gave me the final push to start this? I started reading this blog. Kelly seems like such a sweet, sweet woman; I would love to be friends with her in real life. God has truly blessed her and her family. Throughout all her struggles, she never lost faith. I feel like God led me to her blog. Especially after my breakdown last week when I felt like he was doing nothing but laughing at me.

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