Monday, August 10, 2009

Stir Crazy

I'm feeling extremely stir-crazy lately. My hours at work got cut down to 20 hours a week. That leaves me with a lot of extra time to do nothing really. Yes, I am applying for other jobs. But until another job comes along, I need to find something to do.

At the moment, we're kinda broke. That is a direct result of my hours getting cut. And the result of having bills. If only I could get rid of those pesky things! I would love to be able to do some home improvements but there is no money in the budget for that.

Ok, this post is quickly turning in a big whine fest for me and I'm trying really, really hard to stay positive throughout this whole ordeal. I know that God will send me a job when the time is right. I just need to be patient. That is the hard part.

I changed the layout to my blog a couple of weeks ago, but I'm still not really happy with it. I want something different. I would like to have something that ties into the "journey" theme. I also would like to have a photo, or two, or ten in the header. Or maybe one photo that changes every time you click to a new page. So, where did you get your layout? Are there any suggestions that you can offer me?

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