Thursday, November 17, 2011

21 Weeks: Anatomy Scan

I know, I'm a day late again, but that's because I wanted to wait until today so that I could talk about the anatomy scan that I had today. 

First things first though.  Here's the 21 weeks bump!
The belly almost sticks out further than my boobs.  And at this point?  That's quite a feat!

On Saturday, I was sitting on the couch and I felt the baby start a dance party in my belly.  I lifted my shirt up and waited patiently, and after a couple of seconds, I could see my belly move with the baby's movements!  The movements weren't huge, but they were there.  Last night, I was able to see very small movements through my sweater.  I notice that the baby has a tendency to stop moving as much when I lift my shirt up to watch.  I wonder if it gets cold!  LOL!

So, this afternoon, Drew and I went to another doctor's appointment and we had the anatomy scan.  Baby was head down and I joked that my baby was already an over-achiever!  The tech told me that it doesn't mean a thing (which I know) and that the baby will likely flip a whole bunch (which I know) before delivery.  When she started the ultrasound, the baby was curled up in a ball, so she was able to get some good pictures of the head and spine.  As the ultrasound went out, the baby started to move around a little bit and the tech had to chase to get certain body parts.

It is absolutely incredible to me to see this baby and how big it's gotten and all of it's body parts.  Remember, we saw the embryo when it was just a few cells big.  It is such an incredible miracle.  The tech and doctor said that everything looks perfect and beautiful.  That makes us so happy!

And now, I'm sure that you're just waiting for the big news, right?  The tech was able to tell us the sex with a lot of confidence, and I agree based on pictures that I've seen.
We're going to have a daughter!!!  We are so very excited!  I think that Drew is a little nervous about having a little girl, but I know that he is going to be wrapped around her finger the minute that she is born.

After the ultrasound, I got weighed and they took us back to an exam room.  I'm up about 7 pounds at this point.  My blood pressure was great, also.  The doctor came in and said that everything looks good.  He measured my fundal height and I'm still measuring a week behind, at 20 cm.  Last time I measured 16 cm, even though I was 17 weeks.  I wonder if/when it starts to become a concern.  I'm kind of hoping that the baby takes after me and is on the smaller side.  You know, for the sake of me having to birth her and all!

The doctor set up my next few appointments.  He will see me once a month in December and January, then, we have a growth scan at the beginning of February.  Then, he will see me every two weeks for the next two appointments, then once a week after that.  I joked that him and I were going to become good friends and that it was sort of like a dating relationship and we were building up to the big day!

I feel like time is going to start going very quickly at this point.  We're traveling to Georgia next week for Thanksgiving to visit with Drew's sister and brother-in-law.  I've already told my sister-in-law that we're going to have to go to Babies R Us so that she can help me with my registry.  I'm looking forward to getting advice from Jess and Jen about everything that I need baby wise.

I am so excited to start designing and picking out things for the nursery.  It feels great to know that we're having a little girl so that we can start picking bedding and colors and accessories.  I just love knowing who we're shopping for now!


Grandma~rella said...

What a precious miracle bump!! YAY for teeny, tiny baby girls!! Congratulations!! I am soooo happy and excited for you and Drew!! :) Now to find out what your nursery decor plans are...can hardly wait to go yarn shopping ;) I told Mr. Grandma-rella "I have a new Grandgirlie on the way~Ha! He thinks I am a nut-case, because I claim so many new babes as my adopted little G'Babes. Just can't help myself, especially in this case, because I truly adore you!

Tania said...

Thank you so much!! You are so, so sweet!

Grandma~rella said...

WHEW!! Ya know...after I posted the above comment, I sorta freaked out because I was concerned you may think I really AM a nut-case! LOL! Ever since reading your blog for the very first time, I just kinda felt a heart-string-connection and well, here we are. ;) Going through years of infertility myself, then watching history repeat itself with my oldest Daughter, I am once again on cloud nine and rejoicing in the Lord for yet another true miracle! Hopefully the same will soon be happening for another sweet young lady I follow~Tiffany Pifer. I pray daily for her and BELIEVE in the miracle I know she and Zach will be blessed with one day! (((HUGS)))
G'Ma-rella :)

Dana said...

Looking good. I am giving you a blog award tomorrow. Check it out.