Drew is back to working nights and I HATE IT! I just get extremely frustrated that we don't get to see each other or spend a whole lot of time together. I am truly grateful that he has a job and I try really, really hard not to complain about it. But every so often, I just have a day where I miss him like crazy and have a breakdown.
Last night was one of those nights. I'm stressed out about all this baby stuff and I'm bummed that Drew and I haven't had a lot of alone time lately.
Drew knew that I was upset. Usually he puts some extra effort into us spending some time together. He'll set aside some time where it's just us. But today, at work, the door opened up and a lady walked in with some flowers.

Aren't they pretty? I took the picture at night, in our dimly lit dining room, with my point and shoot, so it's not that great of a picture. But trust me, they're gorgeous! The arrangement is called "Make Lemonade" and I thought that was so cute. Ya know, when life hands you lemons.
I love my husband more that words can possibly describe. He always knows how to cheer me up exactly when I need it.
Just as a side note, I'm a little behind on blogging. Stay tuned for some back dated posts coming soon!
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