The rehearsal and dinner went very well. Saturday dawned and was a gorgeous day! All of us girls started our day out at the salon to get our hair done.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Angela and Cody's Wedding
The rehearsal and dinner went very well. Saturday dawned and was a gorgeous day! All of us girls started our day out at the salon to get our hair done.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Uncovered Treasure
This evening, he decided to do a little bit more work out there. He was pulling out some old dressers and clearing them out so we can sell them. I was inside cooking dinner when he walked in for about the 38567730th time to show me something. I hear him brushing something off as he asks me if I have any interest in it. In my head I'm thinking, "Hmmm, probably not based on the amount of brushing off you had to do to it". But, I turned around and he showed me the cutest picture ever.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Make Lemonade
Last night was one of those nights. I'm stressed out about all this baby stuff and I'm bummed that Drew and I haven't had a lot of alone time lately.
Drew knew that I was upset. Usually he puts some extra effort into us spending some time together. He'll set aside some time where it's just us. But today, at work, the door opened up and a lady walked in with some flowers.
I love my husband more that words can possibly describe. He always knows how to cheer me up exactly when I need it.
Just as a side note, I'm a little behind on blogging. Stay tuned for some back dated posts coming soon!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Angela's Bachelorette Party
We went through a town called Pardeeville on the way there. Just awesome!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010
Forming A Game Plan
Anyway, we had our first consultation with him. We sat and talked with him for an hour and a half and formed a plan on how we're going to attack this infertility issue. Obviously, our goal is for me to get pregnant, stay pregnant, and deliver a healthy baby.
We all know how a baby gets made right? Well, the ovary releases an egg. Then, the fallopian acts like a sort of vaccuum to suck up the egg. The egg then gets fertilized by the sperm in the tube. It travels through the tube and implants in the uterus. Life has started.
Well, for me, when the tube acts like a vaccuum sucking up the egg, it also sucks up a whole bunch of other gunk (like endo), which acts like "battery acid" to the sperm. Once the sperm hits it, it kills it, giving it no chance to fertilize the egg.
There are 5 levels of aggression when it comes to trying to make a baby.
- Level 0 is no contraception. That could take a couple up to 2 years to conceive.
- Level 1 is Well Timed Sexual Intercourse. This is using charting and/or ovulation predictor kits to time sex around fertile periods. This will take a couple up to 1 year to conceive.
- Level 2 is using fertility meds to increase the number of eggs that are released and using WTSI. This will take anywhere from 6-8 months.
- Level 3 is allowing the body to release one egg, but doing an IUI. An IUI is an Interuterine Insemination. This is injecting the sperm into the uterus so that the sperm has less that they have to swim. This will take about 5-6 months to conceive.
- Level 4 is using fertility meds to increase the number of eggs that are released and an IUI. This will take 3-4 months to conceive.
- Level 5 is In-Vitro Fertilization. IVF is taking my eggs and Drew's sperm and fertilizing the egg outside of the body. Then, transferring embryos to my uterus and praying feverishly that at least one sticks. This will typically take a couple 1-2 months to conceive.
I told the doctor that my choice was Level 5. No questions asked. Let's get this done, Doc! Ahhhh, but life can't be so easy. You see, the insurance company has to approve such a procedure. And obviously, IVF is quite a costly procedure. So, insurance companies like to see at least a couple tries with IUIs.
Are you asking the same question I did? "But Doc, if my tubes are like battery acid to the sperm, what's the point? Won't that just be a waste of time and money?" Apparently they don't look at it that way.
So, our game plan. Drew will be doing a semen analysis (S/A). I have to do Day 2 bloodwork. Then, when those results come back, he will decide if he wants to do an SIS or an HSG on me. Basically, those are just looking inside my uterus to see if there are any abnormalities. If there are, I will be scheduled to have a hysterescopy to remove them. After all of that, we will then strategize whether we doing Level 4 or Level 5.