Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Favorite Time of Day

Some people are morning people. Some always have been, and some certainly develop into one. They always get right out of bed when the alarm goes off and never snooze. I'm one of those people. By the time I get out of the shower, I am very, very awake! But I loathe getting up early. Mornings are most definitely NOT my favorite time of day.

Some people may love their morning coffee. That first sip of caffeine is just what some people need to start their day and start it in the right way. I am not a coffee drinker and usually stick to water in the morning.

Some people may like the moment they get off of work. The freedom that they feel knowing that they have the entire rest of the day to themselves is wonderful. I love punching out at the end of the day, but that still isn't my favorite time of the day.

Some people may love dinner time. Some people eat alone, some people eat as a family, some people eat while watching their favorite shows, and some people eat a dining room table. I love being able to have dinner with Drew. When it's just us, you can find us parked in front of the tv. I always love to have people over and eat at the table. There's only one thing better than that.

My favorite time of day is the moment when I crawl into bed and turn the lights off. Drew and I usually spend a few minutes and simply talk. We chat about our day, about our goals, about funny or interesting things that have happened. I love those moments together, in the quiet darkness. Sometimes we spend those moments wrapped up together, and sometimes we prefer our own "sides of the bed". I spend all day longing for the moment when we climb into bed together. Pure bliss!!

So tell me, what's your favorite time of day?

1 comment:

Dana said...

I am with favorite time of day is when I get in the bed, watch the news (or sometimes it watches me), listen to the David Letterman top 10 and fall asleep with a good book. My sleeping time seems to always go by so fast.