Monday, November 11, 2013

My Little Shopper

I had to run into the grocery store for a couple of items.  Our local chain store has new little carts for young kids to push.  I've seen them for a couple months now, and every time I think that it would be fun to let Annelise push one.  That day finally came!

I carried her into the store and showed her the little cart.  I put her down, pulled one out, and showed her how to push it. She had a little trouble at first, but now I think it was because the cart pulled to the right.  She quickly got the hang of it and had a blast.

Our first stop was bread.  I selected a loaf, put it in the cart, and then started her walking down the main front aisle.  Everyone kept ohhhhing and ahhhhing over how cute she looked pushing the cart.  I turned her down an aisle so that we could make our way to the back of the store for some milk.  Some random guy thought she looked so cute that he took her picture.  Kinda creepy.

We made it to the back of the store and started walking down the back aisle.  We passed a display that had some Frosted Flakes on it.  She must have recognized it, because she quickly stopped the cart, grabbed a box, and put it in the cart!  She totally helped herself!  I laughed so hard.  After the cereal, we grabbed some milk, and made our way to the front of the store.
She was pretty upset when we had to stop pushing the cart and wait in line, but she calmed down fairly quickly as I talked her through the checkout process.  She did a great job putting the cart away and walking out to the car.

I love these little moments as she's getting older.  I really do treasure them. 

1 comment:

Words Like Swords said...

She's TOO BIG! When did this happen!??