Saturday, March 31, 2012


I'm still pregnant.

I'm still pregnant and I really don't think this little lady has any intentions of going anywhere anytime too soon.

So, she's being evicted tomorrow.

I've been such a slacker on updates, but I'll make up for that now.  I had a doctor's appointment on Thursday.  First, I had an ultrasound to check on her growth.  They measured her at about 7 1/2 pounds.  Then, I met with the doctor.  He did an internal and gave me the (awful) news that I was only a fingertip dilated.  Yes, 40w1d and I was only a fingertip dilated.  Seriously body, you suck!

The plan was to send me over to the hospital that evening and start the induction process.  So, my doctor left the room to go call the hospital.  When he came back, he had some more (awful) news.  The hospital was full, so he couldn't send me over for an induction.  Just fabulous!!

So, he told me that I would go in Sunday night to start the induction process!  I am to check in at the hospital at 5:30 PM tomorrow.  They are going to start with some Cervadil and then we're going to go from there.

I won't lie, I was really disappointed as we left the doctor's office on Thursday.  I was so looking forward to having my daughter in my arms on Friday.  Drew and I have tried to enjoy our last few days of "freedom".  Now, I'm excited that tomorrow is finally the day that we will be on our way to meeting our daughter.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Maternity Pictures

I finally picked up the disc of maternity photos from Kristen, and so I thought I'd share some of my favorites here.  I had such a great time working with Kristen that we booked her to do our birth photography and our newborn pictures.

All of the following photos are courtesy of Photography by Kristen.

This one is one of my favorites!!  The hubs looks so handsome!

I was absolutely freezing in this picture!  She had a fan blowing on me and it was just torture.  But I thought the picture turned out so cool.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

37 Weeks: Full Term

I seriously canNOT believe that I am full term today!  It's so surreal to me.  There were so many days that I cried and cried and never thought that I would be able to experience a pregnancy and have a child, and now, we're just a few short weeks away from meeting her.

I had a doctor's appointment last week and had my Group B Strep test done, and my first internal check.  The GBS came back negative.  The internal hurt like hell!  Doc said that my cervix was hard as a rock.  He did an ultrasound, and thankfully, she is head down.  So, that eliminates the need to have a c-section planned for this time.  Praise God!  He also thinks that I'm going to go past my due date.  Boo!  She is measuring in the 34th week, so we know that she's going to be little.  Otherwise, everything else looks great.

I had my first Non-Stress Test on Monday.  Basically, they hook me up to two monitors, one that measures contractions, and one that measures the baby's heartbeat.  Then, I sit there for awhile and push a button every time I feel her move.  Fun!  NSTs are pretty standard, and I'll probably have a few more before I deliver.  Unless I go early.

I can really tell that I'm getting down to the end.  My poor feet are so swollen!  On Monday, I couldn't fit into any of my shoes, so I had to wear socks and slip on sandals to the doctor's office.  Awesome, right?  I have since bought a couple of pairs of shoes to get me by.  My doctor isn't concerned about the swelling and just instructed me to watch my sodium intake and rest more with my feet up.  No problem!

Insomnia has hit and it sucks!  Usually, when I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, I can fall right back to sleep.  Now, I struggle.  I laid awake the other night for three hours.  Ugh!  I keep telling myself that all of this is to prepare me for a newborn.

Her room is almost done!  We have a few more finishing touches and then I'll be sharing that.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Today was the baby shower for my side of the family and friends.  So many people came and we are so blessed!  Here are a few pictures from today.

Maya really likes this toy.  It's a My Pal Violet, and when I push the hands and feet, it talks and sings.  Maya will look at it and turn her head to the side, then try to bite at it.  It ought to be real fun to keep her away from all of the baby's toys!
Thank you to everyone who came and showered us with gifts.  We are so thankful and we are so blessed to have so many great people in our lives!