Amanda was a left over and Josh was a Smurf.

Since Drew and I can't go to dinner tomorrow night, we decided to move our celebration up one night. We ran some errands this afternoon, picked up all of my clear liquids, and went to Red Lobster for dinner.
Drew introduced me to seafood while we were on the cruise in 2007. I feel in love with so many new items that I would never have tried if it wasn't for that cruise. One of my particular favorites is crab cakes. I absolutely love them!! When Drew and I decided that we weren't going to be going to JMK, we decided to go to Red Lobster, and that made me just as happy. Drew indulged in endless shrimp and I, of course, had crab cakes. Don't worry though, I helped him eat some shrimp! I needed to be sure to stuff myself good and full because it will be the last good meal I eat until at least Tuesday afternoon. (And as long as my stomach will let me, McDonald's chicken nuggets will be the first thing that I request.)
After dinner, we came home and popped open some champagne so that we could toast our first year of marriage.
It is so amazing to me how quickly this year has flown by. It's unreal. We've definitely had some challenges, and lots of ups and downs. But we've also had so many joys too! I am so blessed to be Drew's wife. I love him more and more everyday and I look forward to what our next years will bring us.
Happy Anniversary Drew!
Sounds scrumptious, doesn't it? I was an emotional wreck yesterday after the doctor's office called. As you know, it's our anniversary tomorrow, and we had plans to go to JMK for dinner. Well, now dinner can't be done because I'm stuck on this stupid clear liquid diet. That, compiling with everything else that has been going on, and I was a mess of tears all morning.
I am totally in love with him. We haven't decided on a name yet. We're leaning towards George because it kinda sounds like orange. We're fans of naming our pets "normal" names. That way I don't feel like a loser shouting Fluffy or Nugget (Mom!) to our pet. Any suggestions?